September 30 14


I wish I knew where this image came from. I saved it to the camera roll on my iphone about a million years ago — I had stumbled upon it accidentally while scouring Etsy for photo props and realized that The Avett Brothers are so good for my soul. The first song I ever heard of theirs was “I and Love and You” during an episode of One Tree Hill. I was immediately obsessed. This lyric, of course, is from “Head Full Of Doubt/Road Full of Promise” which, coincidentally, is my alarm ringtone. It’s a beautiful song, really, even at 5:40am.

Things have been bubbling in me of late.

Someone recently called me “nearly 40” and while I don’t think 4o is old by any stretch — some of my most favorite and un-old people on earth turned 40 this year (hi sister!) – and while at 36 and 1/4 I’m actually not nearly 40 I started thinking about my legacy; who I am, what I have done, and what I still have yet to do.

How will my children remember me? How will *you* remember me?

There are things I still want to do; there are things I still want to be.

And hot damn if I’m not going to take The Avett Brothers’ advice and decide what to be…and go be it.

  1. Well said. I can always use some motivation 🙂

    Comment by Sonya on September 30, 2014
  2. Well, I will remember you as the one who recommends great books. More please!

    Comment by Alison on September 30, 2014
  3. I will remember you as a great dresser, blogger and the person who introduced me to my favourite band: the Avett brothers

    Comment by Jenn on September 30, 2014
  4. I also need to decide what I want to be. You’d think at 37 I’d have this figured out!

    When you find this benefactor, send them my way, please!

    Comment by Kristabella on October 1, 2014
  5. […] I mentioned recently that things have been…bubbling. So after many long and late insomnia-filled nights of The Jeffersons and soul searching this summer […]

    Pingback by …Be The Sound Of My Feet Upon The Ground | Cheaper Than Therapy on October 11, 2014

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