oh, Officer McBride, have i got a bone to pick with you, miss. yes, yes, i get that you are trying to keep speeding down in our neighborhood. i get that. trust me, i do. i curse out the crazy kids who drive at 80mph down our residential street because i am a) old and b) concerned for the safety of my children. but, i gotta tell you. you need something better to do at 8:30am on a sunday morning.
because i was out on a mission. coffee for the husband and me. it was much, much needed after the complete and total barf-o-rama weekend. why yes, little miss isabella decided to saunter into our bedroom at 6:15 in the am on saturday morning, tell us that she was going to throw up, haul her little tushy to the bathroom, and make good on her promise. lather, rinse, repeat. all day.
and we all know how i. feel. about. barf.
so, i was out. getting the reinforcements we needed. and then, along with the only other 9 cars on the road, pulled over.
for going 52 in a 40 zone. that’s kilometers, people. which means that i was speeding. SEVEN miles over the limit. on a deserted street. before 9am on a sunday.
hi, i’m speed racer. a total menace to society.
Officer McBride was all too kind and knocked it down to only 10km over.
TOO KIND. and i actually told her so. in a slightly sarcastic tone. and as a had a vision of me calling my husband from jail in my sweats and unbrushed hair telling him that his coffee was gonna be REAL cold because i got arrested for snarking an officer….i quickly pulled away and raced – as fast as my car at 4km an hour could go – home.