Category: The Snark

How My Dreams Were Crushed By A Carrot

A conversation. Me: Oh my heavenly days!! All I wanted was to peel a stupid carrot and somehow—I don’t even know how this happened—but I managed to pull off the nail on my middle finger and it hurts like a bitch. OWWWWWWWWW! Him: Hmm. Me: This should probably be some…

Pass The Pudding and Oatmeal

I feel like I don’t ask much from my body. I mean, I’m fairly good to it. I feed it more good-for-it stuff than bad-for-it stuff. I gave up Diet Coke more than a year ago—cold turkey. I move it on a regular basis. I even just bought it TWO…

How I Learned to Throw My Brain to the Wind and Read 50 Shades

For a little context, I will admit this here right now: I read the entire Twilight series in 4 days. I basically ignored my children while ignoring the ridiculousness that was the series and enjoyed the entire damn thing. I was entertained by the whole thing, even though Bella Swan…