Category: the girl behind the screen

The Curious Case of Insomnia, Vegetarianism, and Hair Color. I’m a Mixed Bag

Luckily for me, last night was filled with actual sleep instead of what has been happening on most nights these days—a curious case of insomnia and some middle-of-the-night Real Housewives of somewhere marathons. Hours and hours and hours of yelling and bad plastic surgery and oversized nudey pregnancy portraits instead…

Why I Will Never Update My Apps Again—A Completely Scientific Study

I suppose there’s a silver lining in here somewhere. It’s my favorite to come home from vacation to this: We don’t know what happened, Mama. There’s just a blue screen when we try to turn on the Mac.  My favorite, really. This was my second problem with an Apple product…

I’m Back. And I’m Already Looking At Southern California Real Estate.

The last time we went on a real vacation, we were celebrating a tenth anniversary and a 30th birthday. We went to St. Lucia, where I proceeded to lie on my back with a drink in hand for an entire week. I’m telling you. I did not move a muscle,…