Category: the girl behind the screen

I’m Like the Elderly Man Who Plays Instruments At Stoplights

I have my monthly book club meeting tonight. So, like the cliche that I am, I found myself up at 1am desperately trying to finish the book on time. It’s funny, that. I’m a huge reader— (less huge since quitting my 2.5 hour daily commute) (which you will never find…

On Filters.

Hey, so, has this ever happened to you whilst accompanying your wee child into a public bathroom stall? “Wow! That person next to us is farting like crazy!” And, of course, your immediate response—other than pure mortification and the ability to morph your face into an extra-special shade of red—is…

What *I* Would Like the Media to Know About Chassidic Women

I actually don’t even know how I stumbled upon the article. Actually, I think it’s more accurate to say that the article found me. That’s the way, after all, with being Jewish on the internet. Jewish-related things just seem to find me. I mean, you guys, that’s how I first…