Category: the girl behind the screen

BlogHer: Not Enough in 2012

So, I am home from BlogHer. I hopped into a cab and got on an earlier flight (for freeee!) yesterday morning because I was really missing my little ones and I’m so thankful I did because even though TSA stole my Trader Joe’s cookie butter, I a) got to stand…

The Five-Minute Guide to Alimartell

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s this wee (50,000 people at least, OMG. Not really, that’s called an exaggeration. I do that sometimes.) conference going on this weekend in New York. You may have seen one or two (thousand) tweets about it. You may have read five (million)…

Olympic Pressure, Perhaps?

My son has never been a strong swimmer. In fact, while his two sisters tended to have fish-like tendencies (it’s possible that one of them, if not two, has hidden gills). It never bothered me much, his complete and total lack of interest in swimming. He takes lessons; he has…