Category: The Friends

because i like to live vicariously. and clearly, i like to destroy things too.

Jack and Ilana start their kitchen renovations today. (sigh. *LE ENVY*) This has been a months-long exercise in “keep your fucking pie-hole shut, ali!” oh, hello, are you new here? well, here’s something you may not know. I can haz opinions. lots of them. ( i even have opinions about…

gifts i don’t get enough

My sister and i should never be allowed to be alone together. When we are, we do things like get naked and compare our thighs, searching for cellulite (why yes, we were both blessed with lovely eastern european pulkes…oh, yes, the pulkes. thanks, bubbe!). and while those of you without…

happiness is some krispy kremes, music, change, and jeans..oh, and a warm gun (heh)

i spent the better half of yesterday in Canada Crown Copyright hell. who knew that a thumbnail image of Canada’s coat of arms to use in an educational book was going to be such a problem? sheesh. but then i came home. and i really haven’t stopped smiling. …my old…