Category: parenting sure is fun

The Pink Tutu

As I run out the door in the morning I spy a pink tutu skirt and a pair of white tights out of the corner of my eye. Did Isabella wear that yesterday?  And that hits me harder than any gut punch could ever. I have absolutely no idea what…

Giving Them Wings.

Parenting babies and toddlers is the easy part. Well, it’s the easier part, as there’s really nothing particularly easy about parenting. From the moment that they hand you that wrinkled, sleepy-eyed pile of baby goo, you have signed up for an adventure the likes of which you couldn’t have possibly…

Because I Said So and Other Answers to Important Questions.

“But Mama, how is it possible that I have brown eyes when you have green eyes?” “Wait…what is KY Jelly and why is it in Bubbie’s library?” “But what exactly is a tampon used for?” “Can you please explain what “sour grapes” means?” “Irony? What’s that?” “Wheels look like they…