Two hoarse, tired, smiling kids who look taller, skinnier, tanner, and about ten years older than they looked just three and a half weeks ago walked through the door last night just before midnight and dropped 110 loads worth of sandy laundry at my feet, hugged me tightly, and indulged my phone camera.
They are already ready to go back, begging me to sign them up for both sessions for summer 2014. I AM SAYING I TOLD YOU SO.
They are already telling me stories I don’t understand. I AM DANNY TANNER AGAIN.
They are already making their sister jealous, who is in desperate need of some lessons in giving back her only child card. HER ARMS SEEM SLIGHTLY LESS OUTSTRETCHED TODAY.
I’m happy to have them back. But I’m happier to have them happy.
Be right back, I have to throw my 18th load of laundry in.
(My washer seems less excited that they are home.)