oh yes, the dog story. and how we almost ended up with one… (and still might!)
growing up in my mom’s house, there was always a dog. and it was always a miniature schnauzer. the ugliest of all dog breeds. and clearly not the brightest either. we had those dogs that didn’t know their asses from their heads. they walked into walls. we even had one that used to pee itself every time a man came within 10 feet of it. scouts honor, i’m not making this shit up.
i hated them. all of ’em. and their stupid names…smoothie, smokey, ben, pepper.
and then my dad got himself his Roxee.
and she’s pretty much the most amazing dog ever. she’s also the most spoiled. she gets her teeth brushed twice a day, and brushed three times a day. she’s my dad and stepmom’s baby.
and she eats an apple more politely than my children…
and we love her. but, we still aren’t DOG people. we are the fish-having kind of family. they are relatively little work. they don’t get stomach bugs or cancer or need to be walked. and they are fairly easy to replace when your kids aren’t looking. there’s no shortage of these in this world.
but then my cousins got themselves a shih tzu, Harry Potter, and it was instant love.
for all five of us. i mean, i’m NOT a dog lover, by any means. just ask my friends Jack and Ilana how many times i’ve gone near their Jazzy (um, none). but this dog?? i was on the floor, playing with it. cuddling with it. cuddling! me! with a dog!
(shit. i am a dog lover)
(a dog!)
apparently, my stepmom needs us to have one.
and i don’t think she’s going to stop until she gets us our very own Harry Potter…although ours would have a much better name. i mean, she was on the phone with my cousin getting his breeder information and everything.
and she’s even got Isabella working for her cause..
so…let’s just say, for the sake of saying, that casa de Martell is getting a dog. what is the BEST dog name you’ve ever heard? What should we name him? her?