“All I’m saying is, there’s a reason why Sporty Spice is the only one without a fella!”
this has got to be the funniest line from this movie.
this one’s pretty good too:
“She’s not Lebanese, she’s Punjabi!” I laughed out loud at that one!
I’d have to say, all in all, this was a pretty good movie. Keira Knightley is just beautiful, even if they try to make her look “sporty” in her “trackies” There has to be something said for a man with an accent. The guy who plays Joe, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, isn’t all that easy on the eyes (he’s no Jude Law or Ewan McGreggor – – -although he does slightly resemble a combination of the two…), but there’s something about that Irish accent, man… that makes me a little weak in the knees. If he hadn’t had an accent, he certainly wouldn’t have gotten a second look from me, but i managed to find something sweet and cute about the bloak.