do any of you know who Hopalong Cassidy is? because i, for one, had no clue. even when i told my husband that “baseball left me all Hopalong Cassidy” i mean, he was sleeping anyway, and wasn’t listening. but yes, i have no idea what i did to myself, but this morning i’m walking all gammy-legged. seriously, i’m limping. and you know what sucks more than a baseball injury? having one you have no idea how you got. hmm.
but back to Hopalong Cassidy. this, friends, is a Mina-ism. something i say because my mom says it. whenever i’m limping (and yes, it happens more often than it should) i always say i’m Hopalong Cassidy. really, you can’t make this shit up. because i really wish this wasn’t true.
do not confuse a Mina-ism with an anti-mina.ΓΒ those are things i will NEVER say that my mom says simply because they are ludicrous. example: my mother, when she’s going to get her hair cut, says “i’m going to the beauty shop” beauty shop?? seriously. i think she’s forgotten that it’s the 21st century. example: my mother uses the word “rubbish” instead of garbage. an no, she’s NOT British. example: jimmies. my mom calls ‘sprinkles’ JIMMIES. or maybe it’s gimmies? example: bubblers. this is what people who live in Milwaukee call water fountains.
well, my best friend google told me that this is hopalong cassidy.
he’s a cowboy. and a hero. apparantly he was a loud and rough-talking galoot (galoot? i bet my mom wrote this wikipedia entry) who walked on TWO WORKING LEGS. no gammyness in sight. no limps. no injuries. a COWBOY. i bet my mother doesn’t even know who he is.
or maybe she learned about him at the bubbler. or the beauty shop. or while talking out the rubbish.
okay, seriously, who on earth set the $1.49 price point on my large Timmy’s coffee?
i mean…REALLY people. is it not easier to pay $1.50? if you are already paying 1.49 are you going to protest and be all “oh! well, you are asking for an whole dollar fifty?!?!? well, then, that’s too much. i’ll pass.”
and think about the money that TH would make. a penny more on every coffee it sells each day??? that’s a lot of pennies. pennies that get dumped in my car cup holder or get tossed into my pocket and NEVER get used.
i’m just saying.
alright and now that i’m all about the random post (apparently, this has become my thing. rambling on about completely unrelated things. TANGENTY. i dig it. so you have to live with it. ) i wanted to ask you a question. do you listen to the radio? the reason i ask is because i do. i always listen to the radio on my drive in to work and my drive home from work. during the day it’s ipod or WMP on my pc. but in the car? radio. ALL RADIO, baby. and all 102.1 unless something shitty comes on. (also…i have another question..but maybe i’ll save that for tomorrow. can’t use ALL my material)
this morning they were talking about how satellite radio is doing REALLY badly. and not only because you have to PAY for it and radio is, well, FREE. it’s because there’s a disconnect. it’s not just the music on the radio. it’s the personalities. the local news. the weather. the traffic. the banter. i feel like i hear so much on the radio that i would totally miss if i just listened to my ipod on the way to work.
because my day wouldn’t be complete if i didn’t hear about the flasher in Burlington. heh.