September 11 08

do any of you know who Hopalong Cassidy is? because i, for one, had no clue. even when i told my husband that “baseball left me all Hopalong Cassidy” i mean, he was sleeping anyway, and wasn’t listening. but yes, i have no idea what i did to myself, but this morning i’m walking all gammy-legged. seriously, i’m limping. and you know what sucks more than a baseball injury? having one you have no idea how you got. hmm.

but back to Hopalong Cassidy. this, friends, is a Mina-ism. something i say because my mom says it. whenever i’m limping (and yes, it happens more often than it should) i always say i’m Hopalong Cassidy. really, you can’t make this shit up. because i really wish this wasn’t true.

do not confuse a Mina-ism with an anti-mina.  those are things i will NEVER say that my mom says simply because they are ludicrous. example: my mother, when she’s going to get her hair cut, says “i’m going to the beauty shop” beauty shop?? seriously. i think she’s forgotten that it’s the 21st century. example: my mother uses the word “rubbish” instead of garbage. an no, she’s NOT British. example: jimmies. my mom calls ‘sprinkles’ JIMMIES. or maybe it’s gimmies? example: bubblers. this is what people who live in Milwaukee call water fountains.

well, my best friend google told me that this is hopalong cassidy.

he’s a cowboy. and a hero. apparantly he was a loud and rough-talking galoot (galoot? i bet my mom wrote this wikipedia entry) who walked on TWO WORKING LEGS. no gammyness in sight. no limps. no injuries. a COWBOY. i bet my mother doesn’t even know who he is.

or maybe she learned about him at the bubbler. or the beauty shop. or while talking out the rubbish.


okay, seriously, who on earth set the $1.49 price point on my large Timmy’s coffee?

i mean…REALLY people. is it not easier to pay $1.50? if you are already paying 1.49 are you going to protest and be all “oh! well, you are asking for an whole dollar fifty?!?!? well, then, that’s too much. i’ll pass.”

and think about the money that TH would make. a penny more on every coffee it sells each day??? that’s a lot of pennies. pennies that get dumped in my car cup holder or get tossed into my pocket and NEVER get used.

i’m just saying.

alright and now that i’m all about the random post (apparently, this has become my thing. rambling on about completely unrelated things. TANGENTY. i dig it. so you have to live with it. ) i wanted to ask you a question. do you listen to the radio? the reason i ask is because i do. i always listen to the radio on my drive in to work and my drive home from work. during the day it’s ipod or WMP on my pc. but in the car? radio. ALL RADIO, baby. and all 102.1 unless something shitty comes on. (also…i have another question..but maybe i’ll save that for tomorrow. can’t use ALL my material)

this morning they were talking about how satellite radio is doing REALLY badly. and not only because you have to PAY for it and radio is, well, FREE. it’s because there’s a disconnect. it’s not just the music on the radio. it’s the personalities. the local news. the weather. the traffic. the banter. i feel like i hear so much on the radio that i would totally miss if i just listened to my ipod on the way to work.

because my day wouldn’t be complete if i didn’t hear about the flasher in Burlington. heh.

  1. The penny thing at Tim Horton’s is thanks to Prime Minister Harper’s 1%drop in the GST…which is good and bad, depending on how much you use your local health care???

    but it was never at $1.50. Tim Horton’s raised prices AFTER the GST was lowered. why not raise prices to make it $1.50. everyone wins? ~~Ali

    Comment by Cindy on September 11, 2008
  2. We have Sirius. Would never go back. I could probably list a dozen reasons why it PWNS terrestrial.

    And yeeaahhhh – the $1.49 thing!!

    Comment by Maria on September 11, 2008
  3. I was going to say was she british .. but then, my dad IS british and HE doesn’t call it rubbish lol .. it’s garbage!
    Love love love satellite radio, I almost never listen to local radio musis in my car, or at home on my laptop (where I can log on to the satellite) – it does suck when I go into our work underground parking when a good song is playing and it cuts out lol, but other than that, no problemos, we drove 10 hr montreal to NJ .. and let me just say, satellite is a savour!!!! And at ~$12 month I have ever selection I could ever want and it’s cheaper than your timmys. Highly recommend!

    Comment by Sarah on September 11, 2008
  4. Can you make the numbers work coffee price plus GST to equal $1.50? I’m terrible at that kind of math!!

    Comment by Cindy on September 11, 2008
  5. I’m the same – IPOD at home and radio in the van. I love hearing what the heck is going on in my area πŸ™‚

    Comment by Angella on September 11, 2008
  6. Wow look all the satellite lovers come out of the woodwork! haha I’m with you, I need my regular DJs, the morning shows, the contests that I can actually win, and everything else…it’s a total package thing.

    Does Tim Hortons have the little penny jar on the counter by the register? Obviously they’re trying to set some penny collecting record…I can’t think of any other sane reason for $1.49.

    Comment by AJ on September 11, 2008
  7. I never listen to the radio anymore. Since not commuting I never have it on. I totally miss it.
    I used to listen to the radio on my work computer.

    Comment by LD on September 11, 2008
  8. Just think, after two months you will have 49 pennies saved. That will show Tim Hortons who is boss.

    Comment by Megan on September 11, 2008
  9. My mom used that Hopalong Cassidy shit. What is that about? And I split iPod/radio.

    Comment by slynnro on September 11, 2008
  10. My drive to work is about 13 minutes, and when I try to listen to the radio, it’s typically 11 minutes of commercials, so I do listen to my iPod instead. Of course, I then fast forward through most of the stuff to get to the one song I want to hear, which I then have to wait to hear when I leave work later because I’ve arrived by the time I settle on a song. I very rarely ever listen to the radio anymore.

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on September 11, 2008
  11. Hmmm it’s the disconnect of the people that makes me love my Sirius. Granted radio in Denver is better than in LA, where you can be on the freeway and not hear a song for almost an hour in the morning; but I couldn’t go back.

    My grandma calls sprinkles jimmies. I always thought it had something to do with her dad, whose name was Jimmy. I guess not.

    Comment by Issa on September 11, 2008
  12. I would imagine that the hopalong stuff maybe came from being ona horse? The distinctive “cowboy” walk? *shrugs* And yes, we all wonder why things are set at prices like 29.99 over here… although I do know prople who would see the $30 and go “oh, that’s too expensive” but totally hop on 29.99!!

    Comment by Mari on September 11, 2008
  13. I can’t live without my xm. no really, I can’t. Something was wrong with it and I cried for a week. I love it. No commercials. No half-assed news reports. Just music. Or comedy. Or news. Whatever. But it’s soooo good. And I hear what’s new before the terrestrial radio knows what’s new. Sometimes by months!!!

    Comment by lulu on September 11, 2008
  14. huh flasher in burlington????

    Comment by porter on September 11, 2008
  15. When my husband and I moved from Toronto it probably took about 9 months before he stopped bitching EVERY DAY about how he “just misses the Dean Blondel show, because there just isn’t a morning show ANYWHERE that is as good as that! I mean who else has Re-Todd” He used to wake up at 5 am and turn on the computer to listen to the live feed every once and a while. Don’t get me wrong I too miss the edge but I didn’t morn it’s loss like the hubby did and occasionally still does! Count yourself lucky!!

    Comment by Loving Danger on September 11, 2008
  16. We say Jimmies. But only for the chocolate sprinkles. Ha.

    Comment by Miss on September 11, 2008
  17. I don’t listen to the radio much because they talk way too much. I’d rather have my iPod. Ok, it’s Wally iPod, so I listen to cd’s a lot.

    Comment by Heather on September 11, 2008
  18. I just want to say you have brightened my day. And yes that sounds all corny and cliche but it is true. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Now that I have visited your world I will visit often!

    Comment by Renée aka Mekhismom on September 11, 2008
  19. i love the radio! love it.. but i also worked in radio for years, and wanted to be a dj, so yeah… i’m biased. πŸ™‚

    Comment by jennster on September 11, 2008
  20. That’s Massachusetts lingo! “Bubbler” (well more like “bubblah”) for water fountain.

    And my Hubby, a native Masshole, insists there is a DISTINCT difference between JIMMIES and SPRINKLES – that jimmies are the chocolate ones.

    Comment by TrenchesofMommyhood on September 11, 2008
  21. I feel your pain. A large Ice Cap is $3.24
    They always hand back the penny through the drive thru window and I feel like such a dork taking it. So, then you put it in the charity box hanging on the wall, but then you feel like a dork for only putting in a penny, so you rifle for more change to throw in there instead, and THAT’S HOW THEY GETCHA!!

    Comment by Sherendipity on September 11, 2008
  22. I am all for getting rid of pennies altogether. I thought Canada was seriously talking about this a while ago, but I haven’t heard anything since.

    Comment by Shannon on September 11, 2008
  23. Your mom’s language sounds so fun. I love hearing little lingo like that. I say “I’m fixin'” when I’m getting ready to do something. It’s Southern, I know, but people in my state always look at me funny when I say it.

    Comment by jenboglass on September 11, 2008
  24. A large went up to $1.45 here. You should move. πŸ˜‰

    Dude – there is a disconnect with satellite radio. Dave has it in his truck and I like it and all but there’s no personality and also, the content loops after a while. I LOVE 102.1 – I listen to it all the time. I’ve listened to it for years. I love Allan Cross and his Ongoing History of New Music…I love Dean and Jay and Todd in the morning (dude this morning I was CRYING I was laughing so hard at them), I love Josie – she has the best radio voice EVER, I love Martin Streek…I’d MISS them if I didn’t get to hear them all day long.

    Comment by mamatulip on September 11, 2008
  25. Galoot! Ha! I’m going to have to work that into the regular rotation.

    I actually use Hopalong Cassidy for the very same reason. Where did I get that..?

    Other weird words I use for no reason in particular: snarky, squiffy, bubaloo, and fancy (as in “what do you fancy for dinner?”). Ok, that last one is totally Mr Earth’s fault.

    Comment by nomotherearth on September 11, 2008
  26. Sirius is the bomb. It’s way better than regular radio and you get all your news there when you want it. But NO commercials when you want good tunes? Worth every penny. Besides, the Internet is where you’ll get all the local news. πŸ˜‰

    Comment by Hockeyman on September 11, 2008
  27. My mom says she’s Hopalong cassidy, too when she’s all gimpy!

    I never really thought about WHO Hopalong was, though!

    Comment by Jennifer, Playgroups are no place for children on September 11, 2008
  28. I used to listen the radio, but now I have children.

    Comment by Beth on September 11, 2008
  29. Hey there my wonderful Green teammate. Let’s hope this post goes through. The reason why you are all gammy legged today is because of that spectacular play at the end of the game that caused the demise of the Blues. You are far too modest. Tell your readers what really happened last night. YOU GOT THE LAST OUT OF THE GAME TO GIVE US THE CHAMPIONSHIP !!!(consolation round, but who cares).
    BTW, what’s with the clothing pix everyday. Is that how you look at work? I’m used to seeing you in Yoga’s (inside out and backwards at that). If that’s how you are dressing to go to work, we are definitely paying you too much!!!! We can’t afford to dress that good in the far north.


    Comment by Green 75 on September 11, 2008
  30. We say Jimmies for sprinkles – kind of to be silly, but now its totally normal at my house.
    yes, I listen to the radio almost exclusively in the car. everywhere else its iPod. I listen to NPR or La Gran D – awesome music.

    Bubbler – that is such a local thing. Even growing up in minneapolis I never her of it.

    monstergirlees last blog post..Crabby Hands

    Comment by monstergirlee on September 11, 2008
  31. What the hell is gammy-legged?

    Bubblers is a common term, I’ve heard. Like an East Coast thing. So it isn’t just those weird cheeseheads.

    When I drove, I listened to the radio every day. I even once had satellite radio. An old boss bought it for me and a 6-month subscription for Xmas one year. I liked it, but not when regular radio is free. Having the local aspect is nice.

    Kristabellas last blog post..Unemployed: Day 4

    Comment by Kristabella on September 11, 2008
  32. Toronto radio is infinitely better than local radio in Kingston.

    Backpacking Dads last blog post..Back in the knickers again

    Comment by Backpacking Dad on September 11, 2008
  33. My Mum references Hopalong Cassidy when someone is limping and we am from New Zealand. Cowboys are few and far between down here

    Comment by Coley on September 11, 2008
  34. It’s actually really smart. Imagine how much they make from people just saying “keep the penny”….?

    Haley-Os last blog post..A Postpartum Birthday

    Comment by Haley-O on September 11, 2008
  35. I’ve loved many of your posts but this one really made me drool. Must be the liberal sprinkling of tangents. Anyhow, Tim’s is obviously covertly funded by the Royal Canadian Mint to keep pennies from being cancelled, and I think I could give Mina a run for her money (I used the words rumpus room AND jimmies (for sprinkles) today).

    motherbumpers last blog post..Frosh

    Comment by motherbumper on September 11, 2008
  36. Dean Bundell is teh shite. I love that man. I love that he just doesn’t care and will say / do just about anything. I miss my drive to work simply because of that show.

    And flasher in Burlington?… Oh Mah Gah!

    Comment by sam {temptingmama} on September 11, 2008
  37. Radio until it gets boring and then iPod. Mmmm… T Ho’s.

    And Canada won’t get rid of the penny until the US does and the US won’t because Abe Lincoln is on the back of the penny and Abe Lincoln is from Illinois and Illinois is a huge voting state and neither party wants to bring that kind of hate on and risk losing it. Whew!
    (And if you ever watched the West Wing you may have heard that one. I also read something… um, somewhere giving the same reason but damned if I can remember where.)

    Captain Dumbasss last blog post..From The Bathroom, Just Now

    Comment by Captain Dumbass on September 11, 2008
  38. I had a (nonfat) pumpkin spice latte today and thought of you.

    Then I read in Glamour that I could have had a venti nonfat latte, three mini Musketeers, two mini Nestle Crunch, and 18 pieces of candy corn for the same caloric and fat intake. And I wanted to shoot myself in the foot.

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on September 12, 2008
  39. I’m with Maria…satellite isn’t suffering, it’s a bazillion times better than regular radio. Although I do love a good story about how Todd shaves his balls every now and then.

    Assertagirls last blog post..Wishes

    Comment by Assertagirl on September 12, 2008
  40. Ali your mum is so hilarious! and i love my i-pod! 1.49 thats just to pee off the customers…hahaha

    Comment by LAVENDULA on September 12, 2008

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