Here’s the thing about working from home. While I DO get dressed every day, it’s certainly not the same kind of dressing I was doing when I worked down on Queen Street, in an open-concept office building, in the same space as people who work at a fashion magazine. On a typical day, I will lounge around in my pjs while I publish new content for The Yummy Mummy Club and read hilarious emails from this lady and drink my coffee. All before 8am, mind you. Then I will spend some quality time with my elliptical and my new television obsession—Breaking Bad—since giving up on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (It’s like Weeds! But there’s more Bryan Cranston running around in his underpants! And there’s fewer scenes of Nancy Botwin drinking iced coffee with straws!)
And then I will get dressed.
And it’s all…“Hrm, Indy puppy, which pair of skinny jeans should I wear? I mean, yes, they kind of all look exactly the same. Hrm, Indy puppy, which shirt and cardigan combo should I wear today? I agree…they do kind of look really similar too. Or, maybe I should just go hog wild and wear a dress! I *am* going to stop at Tim Hortons today so maybe I should put something fancier on, but, you know, the 15-year-old kid is likely not going to notice my outfit..from behind the drive-thru window.”
Yes sometimes I talk to my dog.
(Like you never…)
Here’s the thing, though.
I absolutely loving getting dressed.
I love jeans and sweaters and skirts and tights and cardigans and blouses and dresses.
I love stripes.
I love anthropologie and J.Crew and Jacob and Aritzia.
I love Hudson and Paige and JBrand and Citizens of Humanity.
I love sales and deals and original finds on etsy and shopping at consignment stores.
It’s kind of an addiction, actually.
I can dress myself pretty well, at least in my own head.
But here’s the confession.
Oh come on, you knew it was coming.Â
Here are two things I don’t care about spending my time and money on at all:
I know.Â
It’s not that I don’t like nice shoes and purses (BECAUSE OH MY GOD I DO.)
It’s just that I would NEVER really spend the money on them.
I will happily carry around the same purse for two years. It’s brown, it’s made of g0od-quality, it’s inoffensive, it’s working. I like to look at nice purses. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like.
I will happily wear the hell out of the same pair of black pumps for two years. They are black, they are made of good-quality, they are inoffensive, they work. I like to look at nice shoes. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like. I have about seven pairs of knee-high black boots that I rotate through my closet between September and April. I have about six pairs of ballet flats that are from The Gap. I bought them for, like, $20 each. I wear these all summer. I wear Uggs sometimes. I do not own a single pair of shoes with a red bottom. I don’t really even want a pair—I’d just rather spend the money elsewhere.
But I just can’t bring myself to care enough to spend money on these things.
Sweaters? YES.
A new shirt-dress? Of course.
Red pants? Have to have them rightnow.
Black-and-white polka-dotted bow blouses? Please!
The perfect black pencil skirt? I need three of them, obviously.
Another pair of skinny jeans? Need!
Another black cardigan? Want!
A twenty-ninth navy and white striped shirt? Don’t mind if I do—twice!
A new pair of shoes? Meh. A new purse? Meh.Â
You can probably just take away my lady card right now. How can I call myself Canada’s Annie Edison if I don’t care about things like shoes and pures?
Although now that I think about it…
…I dare you to remember any single pair of shoes that Annie Edison every wore. You can’t, can you. Because—obviously—she doesn’t care about purses or shoes either. My reputation (and my Twitter bio) are saved! Gosh, I feel better now. Don’t you?
What do YOU care nothing about?