it sure is a sweet face, isn’t it?
well..that sweet face just got himself kicked out of his soccer practice.
for reals.
I’ve always told anyone that Josh is, by far, my easiest child. with Emily, there’s all the DRAMA. the politics. the too-old-for-her-size crap. (have i mentioned the makeup that my nanny bought for her???) with Isabella, she’s young. and because she’s young, she’s tough. she whines and cries and demands a lot of attention. and a lot of sippy cups filled with chocolate milk. and doesn’t nap when she should. and naps when she shouldn’t.
Joshie is laid back. and quiet. and sweet. and my god does he love his mama. he’s happy to sit and play xbox or wii or read a book with the husband or play mastermind with me or play lego with his sister. EASY. bedtime? easy. bathtime? easy. mealtime? with the exception of the MESS, easy.
until now.
my sweet little boy is gone. and in his place? a stranger. and not the Billy Joel kind either. one who doesn’t listen to anyone. who i have to literally, physically drag out of basketball practice every week. who i have to pick up from birthday parties and hear that he decided to paint his entire face with cake icing because he didn’t like that the cake was girlie (sorry again, Blacks!). who i have to hear say things to me like “me no like it” me no like it? what? he’s FIVE! who throws a shitfit when i put him to bed every night. who gives me hell when i want to feed him his favorite foods. who takes 45 minutes to put his shoes on.
who gets kicked out of soccer practice for being a total loon.
i know. he looks all innocent (and strangely studly). but he’s a BEAST.
(also…please don’t talk to me judge me about the pacifier. it’s getting tossed the day she turns 3. august 15th. i’m counting down the days)
how do i get my boy back???
HELP! help me not want to drop-kick all 35 pounds of him across the room. please.