I was looking outside my window at the lovely snow falling on this lovely December day.
Oh wait. What’s that? It’s March 12th you say?
Needless to say, I’m feeling incredibly lucky that I work from home and even luckier that it’s March Break so my children and I can hibernate inside the house because there’s no chance you will catch me filling up my van’s desperately empty tank with gas. No ma’am. You see, filling up my gas tank sits rather high on the THINGS I TRY TO AVOID LIST.
See also:
People in the mall who want to curl and/or straighten my hair.
Putting away the folded laundry. Also: the clean dishes.
Drinking from my children’s cups.
7th grade math. Also: 6th grade math. Also: 3rd grade math.
Showering when I’m home alone. Also: dangling my legs over the side of my bed. Also: static on television screens. Also: saying the word Candyman out loud. Also: Swooping birds.
Answering my home phone because no, Boris the mover, I don’t need your help.
The kosher Sobeys parking lot. Also: school parking lots.
Cleaning out my DVR. Also: my car.
Any and all conversation about Minecraft.
Watching Jessie with Isabella.
Wiggling my children’s teeth.
Being in earshot when my children chew just about anything.
Taking my dog out in the middle of the night. See also: the garbage and recycling at any time of day.
Googling health symptoms (because it’s always a brain tumor.)
Pictures of food you are eating that I am not. Also: pictures of your feet. Also: Pictures of your injuries.
Baking the cookie dough. Also: the brownie batter.
Updating the Candy Crush app. (I haven’t played in 2014, you guys. This is basically the first New Year’s resolution I have ever followed through on.)
Saying no.
Twitter when Mad Men is on. See also: any other show that I don’t want spoiled.
Asking for help.
The circus.
Raisins. Also: foods that could possibly potentially have hidden raisins.
Low-sodium potato chips (blasphemy!)
Sharing food.
White pants.
Dancing in public.
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Going down to the basement to “Just watch this awesome dance we choreographed.”
What do *you* avoid?