i kind of wish i was in the states right now. and not just for the election day free starbucks. and Ben and Jerry’s. and krispy kremes.
there’s just something, well, something absent about voting absentee. There are no long lines at the polls, no lawn signs, no “i voted” sticker.
although, even though i sent my vote in using a giant manila envelope. i did vote. and i voted for Barack Obama.
something else i did this week…FINALLY finished Six Feet Under. all five seasons.
i thought the show was brilliant. for the first 4-and-a-bit seasons, i was ready to put this series in my top 3. and then we entered the whinyNate stage and then we entered the whinyDavid stage and then we entered the whinyRuth stage and finally the whinyClaire stage. and then it sort of lost it on me until 3/4 of the way through season 5, when we returned to the Six Feet Under i knew and loved.
and then everyone told us.
it was going to be THE BEST SERIES FINALE. EVER. people even said, “you are going to be shocked!” and “it’s earth shattering!” and “you think you know, but you don’t!”
(spoiler alert! spoiler alert!)
so, the husband and i were thinking HUGE! it was all a dream. Rico was going to kill everyone. Billy was the one who killed Lisa. but, alas, no, nothing like that. and while yes, it was a satisfying and great way to end a show and tie up loose ends (a little nitpick here…why was the aging make-up so BAD)
and i LOVE LOVE LOVE that Brenda was bored to death, i guess we had just built it up in our minds that it was going to be something CRAZY. like, Billy crazy.
something else i did this week…
i kissed a frog. and i liked it.
okay fine, i didn’t actually kiss it. but i held it in my hands at my son’s creature quest birthday party. (also noteworthy? my grandparents old couch that now lives in my basement. holy retro batman!)
also held by Ali: a skinny pig (that GIGGLES when you tickle it. honest to god. i need to have one. for serious). a snake. a tortoise. a gheko. a lizard. a budgie. a chinchilla. i actually think missabella enjoyed this more than anyone else…
see the full photo set here
and something else i did this week…
i managed to make ALL THREE KIDS happy with their costumes…probably something that’s never happened before
(missing from the photo: Emily’s microphone and heels. Isabella’s Abby Cadabby hair. but getting a photo was NOT easy, i tell you!)
and finally, something else i did this week...
i met the most hilarious child. i swear, this kid should go on Ellen. he told the creature quest people, after they said that the bunny’s poop looks like Cocoa puffs
“well, actually, that’s kind of a misnomer. in Canada, we don’t have cocoa puffs. but we do have something similar, and it’s called Nesquik”
i almost died. i tried to get some of the hilarity on tape…
this is where he’s discussing the Carribean islands and how he explains that two nations actually live on Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. it was TOO MUCH. really, i could barely hold the camera.