I’m watching An Officer and a Gentleman for the first time.
(Because I am slightly embarrassed that I have never seen it.)
Because I am am sick in bed with an ear infection.
At least that is what I have diagnosed myself with. But I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. I have been feeling some sort of ear pain in both ears when I swallow and I just sort of assumed it was a cold or sinus something-or-other and it would go away. Only it didn’t really go away. And then I flew home. And then yesterday afternoon I started feeling dizzy and pukey, like I had just been on roller coaster, only I hadn’t really done anything other than drink coffee, unpack suitcases and watch my nieces play the Disneyland game on our new Kinect.
So, I hopped myself up on Xanax and Gravol and went to bed at 7:30.
And woke up at 9:30.
The next morning.
Where I have been since then. Every time I try to get up, I feel sick. Pukey, ache-y sick.
And my ears, you guys. It feels like there are elephants stampeding from the inside.
So, that’s that.
I’m sick.
And I’m watching An Officer and a Gentleman.
That’s the goal for 2012, people.
You see, making resolutions about exercising more and eating fewer cupcakes and drinking more water and spending less money on clothing and being more adventurous and writing novels are all over the internet right now. Promises about money and weight and food and writing and climbing mountains. Promises that are not for me. It’s not that I’m not interested in being better about budgeting or about what I stuff into my gob or doing things that scare me, but those goals seem like something to add to a list because they sound good. But they are just a bit too nebulous for me.
I need concrete goals; tasks that I am likely to actually, you know, accomplish.
I can say I will exercise more, but I won’t. I will exercise just enough. I can say I will drink more water, but I won’t. I will drink just enough. I can say I will call my family more, but I won’t. I will call them just enough. I can say I will climb a mountain…but who on earth are we kidding?
But these are things I can say:
In 2012, I will finish watching The Wire.
In 2012, I will watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
In 2012, I will not check my email while driving.
In 2012, I will comment on 20 blog posts a day.
In 2012, I will get dressed every day, even if I don’t leave the house.
In 2012, I will not feel guilty about unfollowing people who don’t interest me.
In 2012, I will take at least three photography classes.
In 2012, I will clear off my desktops—both the virtual and the actual ones.
In 2012, I will not cut bangs, no matter how cute they look on other people.
In 2012, I will read at least 62 books, one more than I read in 2011.
In 2012, I will not see any movies about Chipmunks.
In 2012, I will follow #18 on Woody Guthrie’s list of 33 things to accomplish in 1942; his “New Years Rulin’s”
Yes. I will STAY GLAD.Â
I am, by far, the happiest I have ever been. And, good golly, I want it to stay this way. I go to bed smiling and I wake up smiling.
And in 2012, I will watch An Officer and a Gentleman.
And maybe I’ll quit self-diagnosing and actually go to see my doctor.
What are you doing in 2012?