November 2 10

A boy was born.

A boy who loses things.

A boy who loves his mommy.

A boy who loves beyblades.

A boy who hates the pool but loves the ocean.

A boy who is obsessed with Harry Potter.

A boy who is the worst mime ever.

A boy who wears skinny jeans.

A boy who does the Truffle Shuffle.

A boy who thinks the tooth fairy’s name is Gwyneth.

A boy who asked my dad if he fought in the Civil War.

A boy who always monkeys around.

A boy who loves hockey.

A boy who had THIS conversation:

Josh: Daddy, Britney Spears died.

Husband: No, she didn’t, Josh.

Josh: oh right, that was Moses (yes, that Moses. from the bible. because the two are so easily confused)

A boy who writes like this:

A boy with attitude.

A boy who loves to watch The Packers play.

A boy who reads a novel every night.

A boy who rocks at Angry Birds.

A boy who could eat 18 pieces of salmon sashimi in a single sitting.

A boy who isn’t afraid to put on a pair of tights to play mungojerrie in CATS.

A boy with eyelashes.

A boy who has me completely and totally wrapped around his little fingers. God, I love this kid. Happy Birthday, J-Boy.

  1. OMG – I SO remember that pic of you and Josh!!
    Happy Birthday Aaron Joshua – our fellow November Baby buddy!
    One day we will meet. I know it!

    Comment by Christine on November 2, 2010
  2. love this post! my boy is 7 and the mother-son love things is super-awesome and very special. happy bday to your lovely guy. he’s gorgeous btw. xo

    Comment by amreen on November 2, 2010
  3. My Snuggle-bear is 8 on Thursday. Happy Birthday J!

    Comment by Edie Kate on November 2, 2010
  4. My Snuggle-bear is 8 on Thursday. Happy Birthday J!

    Comment by linxiuli on November 2, 2010
  5. I LOVE little boy voice. I shudder to think how little video I have of my 8 year old so I can hear his little boy voice when it starts changing the way my 13 year old’s is. Gah!

    Happy birthday to your adorable Josh!

    Comment by fadkog on November 3, 2010
  6. What a beautiful post! I hope your son has an amazing birthday!

    Comment by Hilary on November 3, 2010
  7. I love that second photo of you an him! Look how little he is! And blonde!

    Happy birthday Josh! I hope you get all the books in the world so you’re never without something to read!

    Comment by Kristabella on November 3, 2010
  8. Happy birthday to Josh.

    Love this post by the way.

    Comment by Issa on November 3, 2010
  9. That was great! The problem is, this kid doesn’t get enough love.

    Comment by therapydoc on November 3, 2010
  10. What a beautiful post. Happy Birthday, Josh!

    Comment by mapsgirl on November 4, 2010
  11. Happy birthday, Josh! I confuse Moses and Britney all the time.

    Comment by Avitable on November 4, 2010
  12. Oh my lord, I think you have just single-handedly convinced me to become a mom.

    Comment by Jen on November 4, 2010

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