today i’m:
hawt, i know.
first of all, if you’d like to see the cutest video of Isabella, check out my other blog, Fabulous.
i know. i know. there i go, pimping my other blog. again. but this time it’s legit. i have NO idea how to post a video on wordpress. i tried for about an hour last night and came up with nothing but blank posts and red x’s. so i gave up. and let Fabulous get all the cuteness. so, check it out. you know you wannnnna.
also, i’ve got an itty bitty contest going on the other site. so, it’s in your best interest to haul ass over there.
also, it seems that yesterday i failed to tag anyone for my Top Twenty TV Characters. and i figure, since i took it up a notch (BAM!) and doubled it from ten characters to 20, i will bump up the tagging from 2 people to four people.
so, i hereby tag the following 4 bloggers:
1. Haley-O (since she loves her some memes)
2. Becca (since i LOVE what she has to say, always)
3. Heidi (since i know she watches almost as much TV as I do)
4. Jennster (since she’s freakin’ hilarious)
also, i’m still trying to learn the ins and outs of wordpress. which i heart, about 100 times more than blogger. (blogger and i broke up and i don’t miss her for a single second.) but there’s one thing that’s annoying the crap out of me.
why can’t you change the font and the font size in your post?? if you simply write your post on the wordpress page, this isn’t really a problem. but, i find the little box so tiny, and i like to write it out in word first, so i can see it better. and then cut and paste. but, no, this little tricky trick doesn’t work. when i cut and paste, it screws up all the fonts and font sizes and then i can’t fix it in wordpress. argh!
just sayin’