Monthly Archives: April 2005

My Spidey Senses are Tingling

oy. now i understand why they wouldn’t let him present an Oscar. Maybe he’s been learning how to eat from Jake Gylenhaal: and Gwen Stefani: and Hilary Swank:

News From the Homefront

~~Well, my friend Gilda had a baby girl this morning – a week late – and without ANY medication – crazy girl!! I’m very excited! And I was right about the sex…and i’m NEVER right! yay! ~~The boy has woken up dry every morning for the last 5 mornings. i’m…

Monday Gossiping…

~~ apparently “C” is for “Celery” over on Sesame Street these days ~~ and in rather unsuprising news, Chris from the Apprentice was arrested for disorderly conduct. ~~ anyone else think she’s one of the nastiest things to come out of Hollywood??