August 18 08

i have this problem. i can’t leave anywhere. i’m sure i’ve spoken about this before. the husband and the kids do a lot of waiting around for me to finish talking. there’s just always something more to say. i can’t just be all “see ya” – it’s not my style. yesterday afternoon, i went to deliver about 8 baby gifts. for babies who are embarrassingly too old to be receiving baby gifts. we’re talking, like, 6 months old. i have good intentions, i do. and i get excited when i friend has a baby.

(i see this story has turned into TWO problems, actually…)

i think about what i want to get. i get it. sometimes i even wrap it. and then it sits in the car. or it sits on my dining room table. so yesterday, we finally did it. deliveries. which, so silly of the husband, he thought would be quick. he told me to stay in the car. but, of course, i didn’t. i had to come out and see the babies. or the mommies. and stay and chat. and chat. and chat. so, while i was at one of the houses, the husband was sitting in the car with the kids…WAITING…

Josh: I’m sooo bored just looking at Mommy.

Emily: I’m so angry looking at Mommy

Isabella: I’m so hungry looking at Mommy.

heh. typical.

yesterday we celebrated Isabella’s birthday at Canada’s Wonderland. we made it small, 7 kids, and it was just perfect. they provided the pizza, the unlimited drinks (awesome…considering they usually charge $4.95 per diet coke), the cupcakes, the party hats and the Spongebob.

we provided the birthday girl, all decked out in her sunday best. (she now refuses to leave the house without a princess dress on)

more on flickr, of course.

and then we came home the girls watched Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers in 3-D

and i took a nap and dreamed about…


i swear. i did. i even asked the husband,, if he thought beer slurpees would be good.

what do you think?


yay or nay?

  1. I’ve long thought beer slurpees would be a great idea, but my husband keeps shooting me down. He seems to think the alcohol would keep them from freezing to the right consistency. We’ve obviously analyzed this one waaaaay too much!

    Megs last blog post..Is This How Einstein’s Mother Felt?

    Comment by Meg on August 18, 2008
  2. Oh I think its an excellent idea! And you should say patent pending so no one steals your genius.

    Lissas last blog post..Fear

    Comment by Lissa on August 18, 2008
  3. If I liked beer, I would think it was a GREAT idea 😉

    I love that Isabella wears that dress everywhere…

    Angellas last blog post..Beating The Heat

    Comment by Angella on August 18, 2008
  4. I’m so on board the Beer Slurpee idea.

    AndreAnnas last blog post..Overheard while watching the Olympics

    Comment by AndreAnna on August 18, 2008
  5. bellas princess dress is so cute. umm beer slurpees? ewww that would be nay for me

    Comment by LAVENDULA on August 18, 2008
  6. I like my beers insanely cold, but I think a beer slurpee may be more than I could take. However, I’d probably be willing to hand over $4.95 for a beer slurpee over a pop! Geez!

    I hope Emily wasn’t trying to take my Joe Jonas away from me! I have that movie saved on my DVR. For me. Heh.

    differentkindofgirls last blog post..the arts. they rhyme with ‘farts,’ so my kids dig them

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on August 18, 2008
  7. Could your family BE any cuter? I love the pics!!
    Not sure how I feel about the beer slurpee…I hate a brain freeze…so I think I would take a pass on those!

    Comment by jodi on August 18, 2008
  8. If I liked beer, I’d be ALL OVER your beer slurpee. I might even drive to Canada just to get one!

    I have the exact same problems with gifts – they always end up sitting in my trunk!

    Sarahs last blog post..100 Things You Wish You Knew… and Now You Do

    Comment by Sarah on August 18, 2008
  9. Negative on the beer Slurpee.

    slynnros last blog post..In Which I Channel Sandra Lee

    Comment by slynnro on August 18, 2008
  10. Beer Slurpees? NAY!

    Hockeymans last blog post..Here we go again…

    Comment by Hockeyman on August 18, 2008
  11. I’m thinking beer slurpees would be good especially somewhere like Canadas Wonderland!

    porters last blog post..Back on a diet

    Comment by porter on August 18, 2008
  12. Big pass on the beer slurpee:P

    Comment by Nap Warden on August 18, 2008
  13. My husband and I always put the first few beers in the freezer (we live in OK where you can’t buy cold beer over 3.2). A little while later they are beer slushies. Mmmm. Fantastic.

    chiliheads last blog post..What does SEO stand for?

    Comment by chilihead on August 18, 2008
  14. I didn’t even know the Jonas brothers came in 3D! Personally, I prefer cherry slurpees…but then I’m not much of a beer girl myself!

    Camels & Chocolates last blog post..Fish Out of Water

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on August 18, 2008
  15. MMMM – a beer slurpee at Wonderland would be awesome!

    Comment by Maria on August 18, 2008
  16. I’m a tad grossed out by the thought of a beer slurpie….On the other hand, the world should be grateful that you and my husband never hooked up because, dear God, it would be ONE ENDLESS CONVERSATION, possibly contributing to the initiation of the apocalypse.

    HeatherPrides last blog post..Photo Essay: St. Louis Zootacular

    Comment by HeatherPride on August 18, 2008
  17. I actually would like a beer slurpie right now – you mean all crushed ice and beer, right? THat sounds awesome. I’m too hot.

    Rebeccas last blog post..The vacation is OVER.

    Comment by Rebecca on August 18, 2008
  18. I want to say “nay”, but I think I might actually try one of those. Once.

    Backpacking Dads last blog post..And Make It Better

    Comment by Backpacking Dad on August 18, 2008
  19. Corona Slurpee? Sign me up, sounds awesome.

    Issas last blog post..T-4 weeks and some random other announcements

    Comment by Issa on August 18, 2008
  20. I’ll drink beer but I’m not a beer lover so a beer slushie isn’t for me. Also, I love that Emily won’t leave the house without a princess dress.

    Nics last blog post..I am officially an award winning blogger.

    Comment by Nic on August 18, 2008
  21. I had no idea they did birthday parties at Wonderland…haven’t been there in ages. Beer Slurpie…hmm I’m not a big beer fan, but I do love my slurpies…so that might help the beer taste…you’d get loaded pretty quick though with drinking it through a straw methinks…

    KathyMs last blog post..Cottage weekend

    Comment by KathyM on August 18, 2008
  22. It’d take a lot more than a beer slurpee to get me to watch Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers in 3D.

    Like, maybe a rye and coke slurpee laced with crystal meth.

    SciFi Dads last blog post..Stormtrooper, Sex Doll, and Splash Pad (Oh My)

    Comment by SciFi Dad on August 18, 2008
  23. I would so drink beer slurpies with you.

    Misss last blog post..Awake

    Comment by Miss on August 18, 2008
  24. I’ve totally had a beer slurpee, and you may have too! It’s that beer in the fridge that gets too cold, and when you open it it is all slushy! I secretly like that one!

    Mikes last blog post..Crib Gymnastics!

    Comment by Mike on August 18, 2008
  25. Can we stay at your place when we come to Wonderland? 🙂

    Comment by Mr Lady on August 18, 2008
  26. I’m not opposed to the whole Beer Slurpee idea.

    Have you ever tried a beer margarita?? They’re delish!

    TrenchesofMommyhoods last blog post..Part I of Your Questions Answered

    Comment by TrenchesofMommyhood on August 18, 2008
  27. We have Beer Milkshakes at this one chain of breweries here, so I think Beer Slurpees would be delightful. I’d gladly invest my pennies in that 🙂

    Rhis last blog post..Friday Bullets! Bed Rest Edition

    Comment by Rhi on August 18, 2008
  28. Yay-I think it’s worth a try, at least!

    Comment by Hip Mom's Guide on August 18, 2008
  29. Beer slurpies? Not so much. But Mojito slushies…now you’re talking!

    Comment by swirl girl on August 18, 2008
  30. Beer slurpees?

    Dude, patent that shit! That’s BRILLIANT!!

    Comment by mamatulip on August 18, 2008
  31. Beer slurpee – glorious.

    Pants Wearers last blog post..I’m more European than an English Muffin

    Comment by Pants Wearer on August 18, 2008
  32. margarita slurpees!!!

    Comment by that girl on August 18, 2008
  33. I don’t know…I like beer, but it just sounds a little, well, gross. Like the person above me said, margarita slurpees would be great!

    Diannas last blog post..Animal Profile #1 – Molly

    Comment by Dianna on August 18, 2008
  34. I would drink a beer slurpy.

    Shamelessly Sassys last blog post..Other Uses for Condiments

    Comment by Shamelessly Sassy on August 18, 2008
  35. Beer Slurpees= Total Yay!

    Sensibly Sassys last blog post..New And Exciting!

    Comment by Sensibly Sassy on August 18, 2008
  36. Hey I’ll try anything once… as long as you use good beer!

    180/360s last blog post..1620- The Year of the Push Up

    Comment by 180/360 on August 18, 2008
  37. I’m admittedly a little scared of beer slurpees, but then again there are restaurants in town that put beer in their ice-cream, and pretzel dipping sauce, and everything else you can think of and it’s FANTASTIC. So I vote: yes!

    And Rhi: How did I not know we had beer milkshakes? HOW?

    Comment by Kerri Anne on August 18, 2008
  38. hubs says eeewww and i say if i could be done at the right consistency i would totally try it!

    pgoodnesss last blog post..a little bloggy love

    Comment by pgoodness on August 18, 2008
  39. I don’t understand anyone that would be against a beer slurpee. That sounds like HEAVEN.

    Comment by heather... on August 18, 2008
  40. Once in college, a friend and I decided it would be a good idea to make beer floats. Yes, ice cream + beer. We insisted they were delicious.

    I’ve heard of places that make Guinness floats. I can see that. But really, Milwaukee’s Best and ice cream is not a good idea.

    I’d go for a slushy, though!

    merrymishapss last blog post..weekly winners

    Comment by merrymishaps on August 18, 2008
  41. I’ll stick to margaritas thanks. but one time I put beer in the freezer to cool it off and then took them out when they were 1/2 slushy.

    Visit me @

    Comment by Mom On The Run on August 18, 2008
  42. I would drink a beer slurpee. Ohh, imagine if you made it with a like Pete’s Strawberry Blonde type beer.

    Comment by regan on August 18, 2008
  43. i would love a beer slurpee. trademark it and sell it!

    Comment by gorillabuns on August 18, 2008
  44. Sounds like a fun fun party!

    Beer slurpies?! I dunno about that.

    I saw “Pineapple Express” this afternoon. You’re right … it was more violent than I was expecting.

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Ten on Tuesday

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on August 18, 2008
  45. Sprinkle some crushed Percocet on that foam baby and I’m there. 🙂

    Marias last blog post..This Space For Rent.

    Comment by Maria on August 18, 2008
  46. my husband would LOVE beer slurpees!

    Comment by diana on August 18, 2008
  47. […] « 2 conversations, 2 problems and one birthday princess […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Come and party with me. there will be beer slurpees. maybe. on August 19, 2008
  48. hmm… if it was just really cold slushy beer it might actually work. But not it if was sweetened or god-forbid “beer flavored” ugh – that would be Scary.

    monstergirlees last blog post..GreeblePix!

    Comment by monstergirlee on August 19, 2008
  49. I’m so ignorant of many child things, but were you serious about “Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers in 3-D”? Really? Or did they just throw on the glasses hoping to turn something into 3D. Am I going to have to have kids, just so I can know what all the moms are talking about? Yeah, that’s a good reason to start having children. At 43.

    Margarets last blog post..Can Openers: They’re Not Just for Cans Anymore

    Comment by Margaret on August 19, 2008
  50. Beer slurpees would be a GIFT FROM GOD HIMSELF.

    I’m mad right now that there is no such thing.

    Kristabellas last blog post..Weekend Update

    Comment by Kristabella on August 19, 2008

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