November 17 14

I didn’t bring my laptop with me on this trip. This could be a first for me. Usually I have reason to bring it along, work mostly, but also because it’s a thing I bring along, the same way I always travel with my Orla Kiely makeup bag stuffed inside of a giant ziplock bag.

But I decided to leave it at home this time. I bought an overpriced travel data package from Bell which allowed me an occasional instagram update in a non-wifi area or when the wifi decided to hate me, which was a lot of the time, (she says whilst sitting atop a kitchen stool with her arms in the air. Can you hear me now?!)

I was connected…just enough. I could what’sapp the kids (when it was entirely inconvenient for them) a little “have a great day!” message in the morning. I could put a photo on Facebook, I could answer an email here and there. And I had my husband’s laptop so we could watch Hannibal late at night when our legs were too weary and our bellies were too full for anything else. It’s good he had it since our Italian television was decidedly German.

But mostly, I just decided to soak up every nook and cranny in Italy.

I hiked across the countryside. I made homemade pici pasta in a flour mill in Tuscany. I marveled at just about every ceiling and doorway I have seen. I rode on trains. I stared longingly at the gelato I couldn’t eat. I bought a cute little jacket that all the locals were wearing and never tired of saying “When in Rome.” I had the best pizza I have ever had in my lifetime at a little hole in the wall in Florence. I got rained on and bought a street umbrella and then got it stuck in a man’s dreadlocks. (no really). I said WOW about 85 million times. I took photos of David’s backside. I nerded out at art galleries. I embarrassed myself trying to be Russell Crowe in front of the Colosseum.

I asked the locals where to get the best touristy shots.


I took a stab at saying Ciao and grazi and prego and sounded mostly ridiculous. {Everyone stopped my husband for directions because they automatically assumed he was Italian and then they saw my honking camera and my selfie stick and then they were like…oh honey NO.}

I can’t wait to share all of my stories and photos and hopefully you won’t have to block me due to Ali’s Vacation Fatigue. (I’ll forgive you if you do.)

But for now, re-entry is happening and I have laundry to do and winter boots to unearth and flu shots to get.

  1. I am so glad that you posted photos! I cannot wait to hear more!

    Comment by Kristabella on November 18, 2014
  2. Such a lovely vacation! I’m impressed you’ve gotten your photos up. Mine…are pretty much languishing on my camera, despondent that they’re unseen.

    I just stumbled across your site and I must say, your writing is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Ali on November 19, 2014
  3. Well, so far I have edited exactly two photos from my camera. The rest were all instagrammed from my iphone…so I’m not that much ahead of you 🙂 xo

    Comment by alimartell on November 19, 2014

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